Is it possible to bring the dinosaurs back?

In the movie Jurassic Park, scientists manage to extract dinosaurs DNA from mosquitoes preserved in amber and successfully bring dinosaurs back to life. It’s a thrilling concept, but one that will probably remain fiction—at least in our lifetime. Scientists are working on ways to bring animals back from extinction but it’s never been done before and there are too many technical hurdles to overcome right now.

What would Jurassic Park be without Dinosaurs?


As a child, many of us dreamed of seeing real live dinosaurs in our lifetime. We imagined being able to see these incredible creatures in their natural habitat. When we were kids, we didn’t know that dinosaur fossils had been dug up or what they looked like. Now that we are older and much wiser, can they be resurrected into existence by de-extinction technology or will there always be one more thing stopping scientists from doing so? Dinosaurs are one of the oldest species on Earth, therefore having a key place in history and science all across today’s modern world. However, no matter how long scientists wait for another discovery of an already extinct animal species (i.e.

How did they get there in the first place?


Scientists believe that an asteroid impact wiped out 70 percent of species on Earth, including all non-avian dinosaurs, some 66 million years ago. That cataclysmic event created lots of dust and debris into our atmosphere that ultimately blocked out sunlight. As a result, temperatures plunged across our planet and many ecosystems collapsed. Then there’s another school of thought:

Perhaps a large asteroid didn’t actually kill off all those dinos—perhaps they simply evolved into modern-day birds over millions of years in order to survive dramatic climate change and other ecological upheavals. If so, future human scientists could one day attempt to use modern birds as a baseline for de-extinction efforts by studying their genes.

Was it on purpose or by mistake?


If we were able to clone a dinosaur, is there any chance that we could recreate what happened 65 million years ago and kill them off again, potentially ending up in another extinction-level event on Earth. It’s important to note that our new hypothetical dinosaurs would be a separate species from those 65 million years ago. With current technology and science, you can’t actually clone an animal; instead, you take its genetic information and use cloning technology as part of a process that leads us to reproductive cloning. (It doesn’t matter.)

What are our modern day chances of recreating them?


It’s unlikely that we’ll ever be able to recreate a dinosaur. We don’t have their DNA and even if we did, we lack many of the tools that paleontologists used to reassemble fossilized bones. Instead, scientists are currently looking for ways to use genetics and advanced cloning techniques as means of producing something close enough to a dinosaur for it to qualify as one. But until then, our only option is simply not reproducing extinct species in an attempt at recreating them – which has no chance at all of working.

How would they live with us today if we did recreate them?


The technical hurdles are immense, and would probably be too expensive for any one entity or country to handle alone. But if technology advances enough, we might see a time when someone will use cloning technologies to produce a dinosaur. And then what happens? This is where arguments about animal rights come into play (no matter how far fetched you may think they are).

How do we treat them, how do we take care of them as animals that were born in a lab rather than naturally, and what laws need to be put in place so they aren’t abused like real-life Jurassic Park animals were? There’s also concerns that releasing resurrected species into public parks might encourage poaching on an even larger scale.

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